Check-in: 4 PM
Check-out: 11 AM
Age Requirements
Guests must be 21 or older to make a reservation. A photo ID is required at check-in. Guests 12 and under are considered children.
Resort Service Charge
A $45 + 8.5 percent tax per-room, per-night resort fee will be added to the daily room rate. This resort fee allows guests to enjoy many resort services and activities without having to incur miscellaneous charges.
Resort Services Charge includes:
Afternoon refreshments in the lobby
Premier In-Room Wi-Fi
Access to Fitness Center and Pools
Resort Shuttle Service (excluding Townhomes)
Morning Coffee from 7-10am in Lobby
Two bottled waters in room per day
Resort Guest Activity Rates and Discounts
Seasonal Activities including Tennis, Hiking Trails and Fire Pit Access
Seasonal Lectures and Entertainment
Complimentary Golf Bag & Ski Equipment Handling/Storage
Daily Newspaper (hard copy weekends; digital weekdays)
Daily Historic Hotel Tours (self-guided daily; guided on select dates)
Turn Down Service (upon request)
Restful Sleep Kit Amenities (upon request)
Complimentary Omni Get Fit Kit Wellness Amenities in Room (upon request)
Use of our 24-Hour Business Center
Local and Toll-free Calls (up to 15 minutes)
Cash Paying Guests
Guests paying with cash must pay the full stay's room and tax, plus a $210 per day deposit is required for incidentals at check-in.
Paying for Another Guest's Room
If you would like to pay for another guest’s room, please contact the resort at 603-278-1000.
Debit Cards
The use of a debit card will initiate, at the time of check-in, an immediate deduction from your bank account for your room rate, inclusive of tax, for all room nights plus $210 per night for incidentals. Upon check-out, any unused funds will be credited back to your account. Based upon the business rules of your bank, it may take 72 hours or longer for your bank to process this back to your account.
Check/Money Orders
Both personal checks and money orders are accepted.
Early Departures
Guests who leave before their departure date will be charged one night’s room fee plus tax.
Pet Policy
One well behaved dog 60 pounds and under are welcome at the Omni Mount Washington Resort & Spa, with dog friendly rooms located in select guestrooms of the main hotel along with 1st floor guestrooms of the Presidential Wing. A fee of $200 per stay + tax applies.
Night’s Rest Policy
To ensure the comfort and enjoyment of all our guests, the hotel enforces a Good Night’s Rest Policy in our guest rooms. Only registered guests are permitted to enter guest room elevators or guest rooms after 10:30 PM. All guests must be registered at check-in. If a disturbance is created as a result of a party or noise from a guest room, all guests in the room will be asked to leave the hotel without a refund. These guidelines are in place to ensure every guest enjoys a peaceful and pleasant stay in our hotel.
Smoking Policy
Omni Mount Washington Resort & Spa is a smoke-free hotel. Guests who smoke in the rooms may be charged a fee.
Wellness Policy
Any use of Omni’s fitness centers, Fit Kits, Sleep Kits, or participation in off-site exercise classes or other programs offered by Omni (“Wellness Benefits”) is done at participant’s sole risk. Omni shall not be liable for any injuries, loss, or damage to the participant or participant’s personal property resulting from the use of the Wellness Benefits, regardless of whether it occurs as a result of Omni’s negligence. If the participant chooses to use the Wellness Benefits, the participant hereby expressly waives any claim of liability - for personal/bodily injury or damages - which occurs to the participant or for any loss of or injury to person or property. This waiver is intended to be a complete release of any responsibility for personal injuries and/or property loss/damage sustained by any participant while on Omni’s premises or at off-site exercise classes, whether using exercise equipment or not.